Friday, March 28, 2008

Paying out Millions, A Slice of the Pie

How do celebrities, professional sports players earn over Millions or even Billions?

Would you like to be part of it too?

If your dream is to become a Hollywood star, I’m sorry to disappoint you but I’m not here to talk about how to become a celebrity. Well, at least not being famous in the “offline” way…

I’m here to discuss about how you can also generate the same income as the big names in Hollywood does, how you can enjoy life, doing whatever you like to do, like the professional sport players does…how good would that be?

They make their appearance on TV, on the Big Screen that a lot of people enjoy watching, imagine how many people that they are able to reach out to?

Now because they are able to reach a huge amount of audience, this is where the money really is, companies are more than happy to pay Millions of dollars to be part of the show, movie, series to Stars are appearing in, advertising their own brand name, simply because they are able to reach out to the other part of the world.

So how can we generate Millions like the big names do?

It is possible for an average Joe like me to reach out to Millions of people and collect tons of money from companies, thanks to the Internet.

It is estimated that the Internet is currently growing at a rate of 65% every year! Sooner or later the population of the Internet would equal the population of the planet.

So you ready to get a slice of the pie? Click here to find out how.

Another brilliant idea that I would recommend you to skip a meal from McDonalds to give it a try. Who knows this might change your life forever Click here

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

What Leads to Success?

Do we all have big dreams? Do we all want to achieve it? Do we all want to be successful?

In order to live our dreams, we’ll have targets, and we’ll have to achieve those goals to be successful, plain simple.

But on our journey in achieving our goals, sometimes we face Failure”, and we give up easily because it’s simply the easiest way out.

How does failure happen?

Majority of the people tend to see failure as something that they Cannot Do, Failure happens when someone put all their hearts into something they wanted to achieve but it didn’t work out the way that they wanted or expected to, they think they look stupid, embarrassed, by fear of making the same mistake again, they tend not to try anymore, surrender themselves, this is when failure happens.

Think of it differently, I personally believe “All Failure Leads to Success”, it is something we can learn from, and a failure is like a good friend who puts you into the test for your own self-improvement.

Therefore I really don’t understand how someone can possibly quote this: “Go Forward and Never Look Back”.

I mean, It’s just like playing Trace Maze, you might hit a dead end now and then, but if you don’t look back and re-trace, how far forward can you go?

So I say “Look Back and Look Closely this time

“If you’ve tried 1000 times and you still haven’t succeed, don’t be discourage, because every wrong attempt discarded is often a step forward” – Thomas Edison

It took Thomas Edison 10,000 attempts before he got the first light bulb working.

Stan Stuchinski, one of The Big Dogs, An Entrepreneur from the internet. At first he didn’t really believe in owning an online business, but eventually he found out it was an even greater way to generate money online, and that never give up spirit leads him to where he is today. Click here to see Stan’s site.

He is another person that truly understands what Thomas Edison was saying, “Never Give Up

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Hardest Step, AKA First Step.

Generally speaking, people get confused when they hear these words - First Step

What exactly is the first step? And how hard could it really be to take the first step? I mean, it’s just “ONE STEP
Now if you think so…WRONG, DEAD WRONG

Some people will say: “Hey I’ve taken the 1st step because I’ve bought the money making guide that will show me ways to creating a fortune.”
Great, that is the 1st step, or should I say, PART OF the 1st step.

Kind of getting the idea of why is it so hard to take the first step? It’s simply because people haven’t FINISHED taking their first steps.

Lets take a look in depth of taking the first step.
Taking the first step is not just one single process like most people think, it’s something you’ll have to commit to and it is a long process to finish the first step. Well, at least longer than what most people thought…

The most “Common” way most people take their first step.
* Buy a guide / program, read it, test it a little bit, no instant result, frustrated, forget and Give Up.
I can ensure you, most of these people that are trying to make an automated online income fail because they took the first step Commonly and also they Give Up easily.
Common doesn’t necessary means Right. Especially when you’re building your own wealth.

Michelle Campbell, A single parent was once unemployed with a family to care for. But her life changed because she took the first step the right way.

Click here to check out her website and find out how did she take her first step.

Lucky you, all you need to do is to follow her instruction, don’t get me wrong, it still require hard works, but at least you won’t be walking in the dark by yourself.

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What is Get Rich Quick? Follow the Guru's advice, The Successful Guru

I'm sure most of the people who come to this site, having a little read are most likely seeking for ways to get rich, QUICK.

Get Rich Quick, almost everyone's dream isn't it? I dreamt of that once too.
But is there really such thing?

Sure it does, Win a Lotto, Get a Huge Heritage or something else I can't think of this instant...
In fact, the 2 examples I just gave you aren't "GETTING RICH QUICK" at all; both of them are more like...erm... "GETTING RICH INSTANTLY"...

Let me define the words "Instant" & "quick", ok I don't have a dictionary near me...let me put it in my own words...

Instant - Immediate, now, this precise moment.
Quick - A short period, short timeframe, often confused with the word "Instant" in terms of making money over the internet.

Comparing with starting of a restaurant, you'll need HUGE capital, I'm not even gonna say what else you'll need, the point'll almost never see quick results. (Don't even think about instant results)

Building a successful online business might not come instantly, it takes time and effort, but it does come "Quick" in most cases.
And I mean quick as in months, or even weeks for some.

So you want to Get Rich Quick?

Ewen Chia, The Man definitely did not do it the "Instant" nor the "Quick" way, he spent 5 years doing researches, lost thousand of dollars into the testing field.

Where there is a lost, there is a gain. He finally had a break through in 2002, mastering ways and learnt how to make massive amount of money through the Internet, over & over, again & again.
Running on Autopilot? Even better.

Thanks to Ewen's hard work, we all can avoid the Really Hard Work and Mistakes he had been through, We all can benefit from his technique, And most importantly, with enough hard work, We can all reach our dreams, The "Quick" way.

Check out Ewen Chia's site click here

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Learn from the Retired Millionaire, Retired Online Millionaire

In life, if we want to know or to learn or to buy something, lets say cars, would you rather listen to a friend that doesn’t even own a car, or a car technician that has years of experience not just driving, but servicing and fixing cars after cars?

Obviously a smart person like you would listen to a car technician, simply because they know what they are talking about, what are the most common problems with a particular vehicle, what are the best features, what are the most fuel efficient etc.

Likewise, would you rather take advice from someone that has absolutely no experience, no idea what they are talking about when it comes to making money online or would you trust someone that has been there, done that, and not just “done that” but done it successfully?

My personal advice: it is not hard to find an experienced person when it comes into making money online, but go with the big fish, the experienced, and successful ones because they have achieved it themselves.

The Retired Millionaire is one of them, he has 15 years of solid experience, has gone from disappointment to an epiphany that has made him millions of dollar online.

Check out his site click here, he maybe the answer to all your questions.

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